Thursday, January 13, 2011

Once a cookie, now a cupcake

After the success of my Brownies, I thought Why not cookies? I always thought cookies were easier to buy than to make, you can then eat them right away (while walking, shopping, driving, etc...). A day before, I went and got all the ingredients (the right sugar, the right flour,...), now I was technically and mentally prepared to start the mission of making cookies.

First, which recipe to use?
Why not the Hummingbird bakery cookbook.

I followed the recipe very carefully considering that I am making this for the first time (and deep inside I wanted it to be a success), actually I felt proud that I am making a cookie dough from scratch.

Still doing this by the book. "Arrange 6 equal amounts of the dough on each prepared baking tray" - did I mention that I went and bought Parchment paper as well? Also, I only have two baking trays, so does that mean I was going to make 12 cookies at a time? did I say anywhere that I am a bit impatient when it comes to the kitchen? I want everything to be prepared/cooked/eaten & finished at the same time? But, this was supposed to teach me how to take my time in some situations, so FINE I'll do 6 at a time.

8-10 minutes later (during which I was watching the cookies to see at what point to the flatten) it was time (according to the book to take them out). And the result,

They didn't flatten!!! they were good in every other way but not how they are supposed to look like!! How could this happen? what to do now? I was too upset to give it another go, so I covered the dough and thought that's it, I won't make the rest, I won't write about it, I wasn't in happy cookie mood anymore.

Then I remembered something that I had read on a blog before, Danderma makes creative dishes of what she has and I recall reading about a cookie dough cup cakes. So I rush to my close friend to get her assistance,

Yes, Betty & I go way back. And I love using the "Devil's Food" super moist chocolate cake mix, make sure it's Devil's food (or if you have time and were not so upset over your not so flat cookies you could make your own batter). I was in a hurry, promised that family that I would show up to Thursday's family gathering with something, and Danderma's recipes page doesn't open :-s but I remember it wasn't too complicated.

So, pour the cake mix into the paper cups (1/2 filled) and top with the chocolate chip cookie dough

Bake as instructed (20 minutes), and the result,

The look great, the stick came out clean (I had no time for proper frosting so my other dear friend Nutella assisted me again) and covered with a thin spread of Nutella. And from the inside,

Exactly what I wanted it to look like :-)

Shoosh is happy now. Happy because I made something good & happy that I did not waste food.

I made 42 cup cakes two hours ago, now I see 16 - I'm soooo making this again!


P.S. I'm not giving up on the cookies, will try them another day & they will be perfect.

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